SnuggleSafe Microwave Heat Pad


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Available Now!

Just about anyone who cares for animals, whether large or small can benefit from the ease and safety of SnuggleSafes comforting warmth.

  • Heated in minutes in a microwave

  • Lasts for up to 10 hours
  • Quick and safe – Perfect for inside/ outside pets
  • No wires ~ no scalding water
  • Bite and scratch resistant
  • Now includes a cosy cover
  • This is an ‘original’ SnuggleSafe product
  • Contents is Toxic free – Thermapol®

 Diameter approx = 22cm, 

Replacement felt covers can be bought separately on this site.

We advise, to always have a fleece cover on the SnuggleSafe heatpad.


  • Please note: The SnuggleSafe heatpad is SGS/ Smithers RAPRA  tested (ISO accredited) and batch tested for product conformity. We cannot accept any responsibility or liability for damage caused from the heatpad being overheated or used or misused beyond its design and purpose (cc. FSB Legal and assoc*).
  • The SnuggleSafe heatpad can be used time and time again. Do not over-heat and only re-heat our heatpad once it has completely cooled to room temperature. Only heat one pad in a microwave at a time. As with any heat source, we do not recommend the use of the heatpad with anesthetized or unconscious animals. Recovering animals which use the heatpad should be monitored to ensure that they can move from the heat if necessary.